i wish my dearest babes all the best and only the best.
No matter whats gonna happen next, no matter how we'll end up, no matter what results we got (and i got it BAD~) , i just want all of ya'll to know, im sure it'll turn out to be just fine.
I know some of you are having trouble deciding what courses to take, who to listen to, what to do, and maybe, just feeling, i want a long holiday, and wish no one would destroy what you are hoping for and your dream.
2nd post here and im saying all these stuffs, well, because, idk, its one way to tell all of ya'll to go after your dreams, and another is to tell myself, not to give up, at least, just yet! (:
if we're gonna give up our dreams..whos gonna do it man? tsktsk.
and, if no one believes us now. well, fuck them and fuck everything they believe in ! if they make sense, its okay, but if thay dont, well, WHATEVERR!
when i got my results, it was plain fuck. lol. but then, i start thinking whats gonna happen next?
dissapoinment from my parents, 100% coming, but, next? i mean, how bout later on? this whole year? I know some ppl do not like to think whats gonna happen in like 5, 10 years time. neither do i. I prefer to only think bout good things thats gonna happen, you see, so i guess i dont expect bad stuffs to happen. lol.
but, its not gonna be that way. So, prepare yourself babes, for whats ahead. For its gonna be tough i know, but, i believe 10000x infinite % my darling nerds can do it.
Whatever the future have in store for us, we're gonna, i dont care, barge thru like rhinos or something ;)
and you know its just gonna get thougher, scarier and more demanding.
dont worry, we'll still have time to chill, i promise.
Our thinking caps were off, 5:32 PM.