HELLOOO! :D my babes! haha.
so! hows the holiday been treating you girls? i bet SOME ppl are pretty enjoying themselves? er, like..idk? busy FALLIN IN L? and er, BUSY PLAYING SOME GAME? lol ;D
actually IM VERY BUSY also okay! so so busy! lmao >.<
actually im like bloggin here because, i wanna know what are ya'll up to on 31 DEC.. *hint hint*
like de person BELOW me , lol, i wanna know if like, are we gonna hang out tgth or WHAT!? CHRISTMAS OVERRR! and our plans were pretty smashed? ): lol.
and i really think 31st, is the day! i mean, when we get ourselves high and DRUNK? ;D
okay, maybe NOT! tsktsk, UNDERAGE KIDS. lol.
hope to see ya'll soon! cos i really miss ya'll!
and.. maybe actually, i just wanna see all of ya'll drunk and red in the face! :D
please tell me ya'll have not made any plans yet! ):
i made dat time EMPTY for some TNFS you know!
xo, Cheryl!
p.s if ya'll had already made plans, i hope it ends badly for you! HAH!
lol, KIDDDING!!! :D
Our thinking caps were off, 1:22 AM.